Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Praise to the Man?
It is a fact, all men (and women) are liars, some much more than others, but we all lie. If you're unaware of him, I would like to introduce you to one of the world's greatest liars - Joseph Smith Jr (1805-1844). I say one of the greatest because he has fooled a huge number of people - millions.
If you believe in Joseph Smith this will be very offensive to you, but I would assert that it is because you have not troubled yourself to know the real Joseph Smith, and have only been exposed to the whitewashed version of the man.
If you are still reading this far, and IF you're willing to look a little closer, as you read please try to stifle offense and unemotionally consider the facts, thereby being open enough to pay rational attention.
The greatest case against Mormonism is made by careful examination of its founder, and referring to original source documents. I have done so via reading books on LDS church history containing extensive citations of original source documents; first via church friendly sources - Donna Hill, Robert Remini, & Richard Bushman, and next via other sources which employ a higher degree of critical thinking - Dan Vogel, Richard Abanes, Fawn Brodie*, D. Michael Quinn, and Grant Palmer. The last three historians in this list wrote as members of the LDS church and were excommunicated (or forced to resign) as a result of publishing their accounts.
As such I ask that you indulge your curiosity and attention as I present the following Reasons Why Joseph Smith was a Fraud and a Liar, in no particular order.
1. John C. Bennet - First let's look at the revelation Joseph Smith received concerning Mr. Bennet on January 19, 1841. Recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 124, the revelation says,
Again, let my servant John C. Bennett help you in your labor in sending my word to the kings and people of the earth, and stand by you, even you my servant Joseph Smith, in the hour of affliction; and his reward shall not fail if he receive counsel.
And for his [Bennett's] love he shall be great, for he shall be mine if he do this, saith the Lord. I have seen the work which he hath done, which I accept if he continue, and will crown him with blessings and great glory.” (D&C 124:16-17)
The problem is Mr. Bennet was a scoundrel and a con man, even by the LDS church's own accounts and admissions. His name is buried by the LDS church, and not discussed or treated much within their promotional works (Church publications and Instruction materials). Joseph Smith was very taken with Mr. Bennet and charmed by his status and influence in general society. Bennet lobbied the Illinois legislature on the behalf of the Mormons to obtain their city charter which he also helped write. Through his efforts and associations with the church, and close his associations with Joseph Smith, he gained the confidence of the same and quickly ingratiated himself into high ranking positions within the church and within the Nauvoo community (A city outlined within its charter as a democracy but governed in truth as a theocracy, much like the early history of Utah government, and in which the church still has a powerful influence).
Bennett was appointed by Joseph Smith as Assistant President of the Church and called and sustained as a Counselor in the First Presidency. Civically he was appointed the mayor of the city of Nauvoo, General of the Nauvoo Legion, and the chancellor of the University of Nauvoo. He rose to many high-ranking positions in a short time.
However, Bennett's true colors soon became well known. He joined the church in the summer of 1841, quickly rose to prominence, and was excommunicated for adultery on May 11, 1842. Rumors of adultery, homosexuality, unauthorized polygamy, and the performance of abortions began to circulate. While Bennett was mayor, and while holding his church positions he was caught in private sexual relations with women in the city. He told the women that the practice, which he termed "spiritual wifery," was sanctioned by God and Joseph Smith, and that Joseph Smith did the same.
When discovered, he privately confessed his crimes, produced an affidavit (Likely drafted by Joseph Smith for him to sign) that Joseph Smith had no part in his adulterous practices, and Bennet was disciplined accordingly (excommunicated). This affidavit was most likely produced in an attempt to distance JS from Bennet and all that had gotten out about him within the community, and possibly with a promise from JS of retaining his ranking positions within the community, which he lost completely after being excommunicated. With the exceptions of performing abortions and homosexuality, it can be historically proven that indeed JS was in fact "doing the same" and calling it spiritual wifery, and yet his activities were sanctioned by God, whereas Bennet's were not (most likely because Bennet's activities in such got out to the general public). In addition, JS was also marrying the wives of other men still living, and in most cases unbeknownst to them (See #6).
After Bennett left Nauvoo in May 1842, he claimed to have been the target of an assassination attempt carried out by Nauvoo Danites disguised in drag. He became a bitter antagonist of Joseph Smith and the church, even vowing to drink the blood of Joseph Smith (this is why I believe that some agreement of Bennet keeping on civically was breached and Bennet felt himself ill-used). Why would he first protect Joseph via affidavit and then later wish him dead? I suspect some agreement tied to the affidavit was reneged and that Bennet did not expect to be expelled so completely from Nauvoo and his prominent positions in the community.
The bigger question here is, "How could an inspired prophet led by god have made such a terrible mistake with the choice of John C. Bennet and placed him in such high-ranking positions?" It is my opinion that as they say, "Birds of a feather flock together" and that Bennet was simply a fellow con man and sociopath who charmed his way into the church and community via Joseph Smith's affinity for him. He was after all a civic leader, a clergyman, and a doctor (surgeon) - all vocations sought by sociopaths (See #14)
2 - Kirtland Ohio Crisis - Among other things, such as JS pushing his prophetic calling into leading and controlling the civic arena of Kirtland, seeking to establish a theocracy (which he later achieved in Nauvoo), and rumors of impropriety with new settlers and their finances, this crisis was mostly caused from the failure of Joseph's illegal wildcat bank he created in Kirtland. The Kirtland Safety Society Anti-Banking Company and the associated fraud of not backing the notes with actual reserves, misrepresenting those reserves, and overdistribution of those notes caused much financial ruin and loss among trusting church members and the general Kirtland and surrounding communities, with claims that JS and other leaders had misappropriated funds and lands for their own gain. The unbacked proliferated notes became worthless. Many members including men of high-ranking positions in the church left over this fraud and deception. All of course were vilified as sinners, liars, thieves, and apostates (see #7). Linked below is an article published by the church trying to reconcile this event for believers. That considered, it still contains some factual accounts of the event.
3 - Jackson Crisis - A dismal failure that caused horrible atrocities leveled at faithful members of the church who were "called" to settle Zion, which location and destiny were declared by prophetic utterance many times by JS. After the horrific events and suffering this failed revelation had played out on these poor settlers, JS then receives a "revelation" that it failed due to the sins of the saint settlers and not due to the initial revelation being false and very misguided ... which it was. The whole idea was untenable.
This was an unconscionable case of blame the victim (saints) rather than blame the perpetrator (Joseph Smith or the angry mob of Jackson). God forbid he made a mistake and uttered a failed prophecy. Again, character assassination against his own, mostly faithful people, is used in a most heartless way by JS, as if coming from God, to protect the reputation of Joseph Smith and libel the character of those who suffered, lost loved ones, men women and children simply to protect his really bad idea (revelation).
The situation in Jackson County Missouri was impossible for the saints of ever having a realistic hope of successfully gathering there. It was already inhabited by a rough and raw frontiersmen society who saw the incoming Mormons as a threat to their security and lands. This fear was especially reinforced with the much-trumped revelations by JS concerning the gathering in Jackson (the original land of Eden), which were likely oft-repeated by its membership - that this land would be Zion, a land of their gathering and inheritance for the lord's people (and only the righteous = them). The original frontier settlers had every right to be afraid (but not act the way they did). This was a horrible and atrocious time for the saints. It makes me cry, especially that the 'prophet' piled on the persecution to these men women, and children, those dead or still grieving their dead, simply to selfishly protect his image and give a reason why his revelation had failed - blaming the victims in a most atrocious way.
The same sort of thing happened again at Far West. Mormons did not play well with others, mostly due to their leaders and the devout continuously spouting vitriol against the gentiles (non-Mormons) and threatening to possess their lands, mostly in "revelations" and public speeches or conversations.
4 - Succession Crisis - If he truly were a prophet being led by God, surely there would not have been all the confusion and splintering that happened upon his death. After his death, there was much argument and contention in the remaining church as to who should succeed the prophet and how it should proceed. Many members of the church split among different factions, each choice being equally viable and supportable. The main LDS church today (those who followed Brigham Young) lost many members at that time to confusion. JS himself said and taught multiple times that God is not the author of confusion. Why did God not reveal to JS in this only true church on the face of the earth, one with divine revelation, the manner in which prophetic and leadership calling and succession was to occur?
Any candidate for succession had arguable supportable reasons for being the one, so you cannot blame any of the saints for simply choosing the wrong person. This crisis was a blatant flaw in god's perfectly revealed church.
I think JS failed to address this issue because the idea of his demise and succession was very uncomfortable to him, much like many people avoid planning their estate and writing a will.
5 - Rampant Apostasy - Most people close to him (inner circle) eventually left him and his church at some point. There are many accounts of high-ranking leaders within the church speaking valid concerns about JS or the church, subsequently leaving and being excommunicated and vilified, some rightfully so, most not. JS was not good at taking counsel or correction and especially reacted harshly when feeling challenged (all traits of a sociopath, See #14). These apostasy accounts may be just the tip of the iceberg, as many of the general church members who left have vanished to history. If you examine the reasons for leaving among the ranking members who recorded their account of the events, their objections are often very reasonable and understandable. Of course, they are all called liars, sinners, and apostates (See #7).
6 - Polygamy & Polyandry- Joseph lied and deceived both his wife Emma and the church membership about these practices, although Emma and some ranking members of the church eventually found him out. Polyandry means marrying (and having sexual relations) with other men's wives. JS even sent some men away on missions and then preyed on their vulnerable wives using his status as the lord's anointed prophet and putting their salvation on the line (which he did within his polygamous endeavors as well, some of which failed in which case he employed #7 if the woman began blabbing about it to others).
It is interesting to read the D&C 132 1843 official revelation on polygamy and notice how many times that women are threatened to be destroyed, even Emma Smith, if they don't abide polygamy, or are not virgins when entering it. There is no talk of men being destroyed or being virginal. It certainly contains much bluster and rationalization intermixed with actually making and getting to the point. The Lord doth protest too much, methinks.
Polygamy is not a higher law. In fact, biologically it is a lower law, practiced by our ape cousins, chimps and gorillas, as well as other mammals. In my opinion polygamy and all the accounts surrounding the rise and practice of it by Joseph Smith is the most damning thing about Joseph Smith. Simply put Joseph was a horndog (another trait of sociopaths, see #14 - )
Joseph Smith had 34 wives, 11 of which were already married to other living men, 2 of which were 14 years old, 10 of the 34 were teenagers. He married Emma in 1827, his second wife in 1833, and his third in 1838. The remaining 31 of these marriages occurred within 1841-1843, many of which quite younger than he, and many happening prior to the official 1843 revelation (which was not published in the church until long after that date). Records show that Smith publicly preached and wrote against the doctrine of plural marriage up to the time of his death. Polygamy in the church, while practiced in secret by the Nauvoo higher-ups, blossomed under Brigham Young after the move to Utah and the 1843 revelation being published.
7 - Character Assassination - The art of character assassination was leveled at "apostates" or anyone who may shed JS or the church in a negative light, or even honestly question or doubt. Girls or women who shunned his polygamous/polyandrous attempts and talked about it to others were publicly called whores and liars out to destroy the church as their accounts began to circulate, thus scaring the general membership back into alliance with the church. If they were to continue sharing these "lies" and supporting the person's story, they knew the same would befall them. Men who called him out on his actions were publicly called apostates, liars, and led by the devil to destroy JS and the church. Overreacting aggressively to unfavorable unflattering information against their reputation is another trait of Sociopaths (See #14)
This still goes on today with anyone who reports problems or discrepancies with church history, the current church practices, church leaders, or doctrinal issues. If they persist in bringing up valid issues, members are quickly cast out (excommunicated) and usually, some kind of sin (pride, intellectualism, immorality, etc) is attributed to the reason that they had problems within the only true church. They are believed and said to have been deceived and led away by Satan.
8 - The Book Of Mormon - The Book of Mormon can easily be shown to be the invention of JS which he pervasively lied about as to its existence (Gold Plates), origin, translation, and contents (cribbed from other contemporary sources). See -
9 - Blatant Translation Errors - The book of Abraham Papyri, The Kinderhook Plates, and the Greek Psalter; These three examples overwhelmingly prove that JS was a fraud and possessed no gift of translation. Google each term if you like.
10 - Deception on Angels and Ordinations - All accounts of these appear years after the purported events were said to have taken place, with no contemporary accounts, and are recorded much later at a time when the church was under heavy apostasy and Joseph's leadership and integrity was being challenged (See #2). I've been purposefully brief on this one. For more detailed information see Insider's View of Mormon Origins, by Grant Palmer - Priesthood Restoration, Chapter 7.
11 - Conflicting First Vision Accounts - There is blatant deception going on in the three conflicting first vision accounts (1832, 1835, 1838) which can be proven to have been either dictated by him or written in his own handwriting. Again none of which were recorded anywhere close in time to the reported date of the occurrence, 1819-1821. (There are discrepancies in his accounts as to his actual age. In the 1832 auto-graphical version he reports himself being 16, in the 1835 account he says he was 14, and in the 1838 account he says he was 15). Along with these accounts that can be linked directly to him, there are also other accounts of the first vision reported to have been told by Joseph Smith to the person giving the account, with their attendant contradictions. Nevertheless, the first-person accounts are damning enough.
Of all the accounts, the 1832 version is thought to be the most accurate, if indeed it even occurred at all. In this account, the young JS was merely troubled by his sins and went into the woods to pray for forgiveness wherein Jesus Christ the Lord God appeared to him in a vision and forgave him. This was an occurrence that was quite common and reported in his time among many Christian fanatics (usually purported to gain credibility and a following by those seeking some sort of ministry) - A vision of Christ forgiving the petitioning person of their sins. In his first 1832 account, there is no mention of his confusion over which church to join, in fact, he says that he was certain that all Christianity had apostatized from the true religion of the Savior. The same account does not mention his possession by an evil spirit, or two personages appearing to him, the other being god the father as told in the 1838 account. In the 1832 account, the Lord is referred to as both the Father and the Son, a monotheistic view of the godhead, all being the same personage (literally one), and is echoed throughout the Book of Mormon. This idea evolved to the trinitarian view that later appears in the 1838 version. The change in thinking contradicts the view held in the Book of Mormon (Published 1830). Some passages within the BoM which spoke of Jesus being the father and the son were even edited in subsequent versions to support the new trinitarian view found in what the LDS church holds as the official account, the 1838 version of the event. Nor is there an account of hosts of angels in the 1832 account as in the 1835 account. Yet, in the 1838 account, these angels are not mentioned, only God and Christ are reported to be present. In the 1835 version, two personages are reported, neither being identified as God or Christ, and one forgiving him and testifying of Christ.
Usually, a person's memory of an event deteriorates with age, not getting more detailed, unless said person is fabricating and embellishing (which usually happens with memory and the passage of time). Prior to the 1832 account, there is no record of a first vision. No one close to him reports hearing about it within those subsequent 12 years leading up to the first 1832 account, not even his mother, father, or brothers. This long dearth of the first vision is supported by the fact that initially the church was founded and centered on the Book of Mormon, not the first vision. All proselytizing efforts were concentrated on the Book of Mormon. There is no evidence of the use of the first vision in early proselyting efforts. Nowadays the first vision is the central feature used to proselytize converts and included prominently among the first discussion with investigators.
For more extensive treatment on this see this link. -
12 - Con Man - JS was a treasure-seeking con man who parlayed this 'gift' of instilling confidence within the gullible into the religious arena. There are historical records and court documents tying him to the practice of employing confidence schemes in the vocation as a seer of treasures. Joseph Smith and the church heavily downplays his treasure-seeking activity even though it can be shown that he engaged in it for many years. He engaged in this activity of peeping into a hat at a stone for the location of treasure. He often reported to the gang of treasure seekers he led seeing guardian spirits and slippery treasures to explain their failure at retrieving them. There was always a reason why the expedition had failed and that failure deflected as the fault of one or more members of the group or a guardian spirit blocking their attempts.
This activity occurring after his reported first vision at 14-16, should strike one as strange. Why would someone who had seen God and Christ in such a fantastic vision and given a holy calling therefrom (as told in the 1838 version), resort to mysticism, magic, and the occult to find treasures? He carried on with this treasure-seeking activity even after the reported initial and yearly visits by the angel Moroni who revealed to him his holy calling and the location of the gold plates (Moroni was originally reported as being Nephi by JS).
It is highly suspect that the story of a guardian spirit and the treasure, so actively used in his buried treasure-seeking adventures, bears a lot of resemblance to Moroni (Nephi) and the buried Gold Plates and that these two seemingly independent yet highly related activities were occurring within the same time period.
It is noteworthy to consider that during all his years employed in treasure-seeking via a peep stone in a hat he never once found any treasure. This hat peeping is the same method he employed for "translating" the golden plates. Many times the plates were reported by the person performing as scribe as being nowhere near JS. There is no report of anyone ever seeing the plates while performing as a scribe for translation. However, there are multiple reports by the scribes of Joseph putting a hat over his face and peeping in at a stone to translate.
Also, there is a story written by Solomon Spalding in his book Manuscript Found, completed in 1812. In the introduction, Spalding describes how the manuscript was found. His description bears a striking resemblance to the discovery story told by Joseph on how he found the gold plates. Walking in the woods on a hill (mound), kicked a large flat stone, pried it up with a lever, uncovered a hidden cavity of stones containing an ancient record. Hmmmm.
13 - Prophetic Failures - Very few of his "in the name of the lord", or "thus saith the lord" prophesies came true. In fact, he batted worse than average on this, with his verified first-person prophecies being correct in less frequency than if he were merely guessing. Those which can be asserted to be true take some flexible thinking to make them so, some backdated, some even self-fulfilled later by JS or subsequent church leadership. Some can also be shown to be inserted or altered after his death, or reported by faithful members with the intention of building up JS. Those claimed to be fulfilled are highly disputable. The Bible in Deuteronomy 18:22 gives the test for a prophet, which JS repeatedly failed.
14 - A Sociopath - Joseph Smith was an egomaniacal sociopath. When the life, actions, and utterances of JS are studied there are many accounts and situations which can be seen as describing a person rich with sociopathic tendencies. Sociopaths are often responsible for the formation of cults, which the LDS church can clearly be shown to be. For the traits of sociopaths see my other blog on Sociopaths. For the traits of a cult see my blog on Mind Control.
15 - The Danites - Nuff said. Talk about secret combinations as blasted and condemned in the Book of Mormon! In Nauvoo this secret band became the church (JS) appointed secret police; a vigilante group of murderous thugs sworn to protect the church and the Prophet JS right or wrong, and by any means necessary. Joseph Smith disavowed any connection to the Danites, but writings of himself and others, even records of the group itself, tell a different story.
Another spurious group is The Council of Fifty. There is no doubt of JS being involved with that group where he was proclaimed King of the World.
16 - Masonic Temple Ceremony - Masonry rituals feature prominently in the LDS temple ceremony. Joseph Smith joined a chapter of the masons for a brief period and borrowed much of what became the LDS temple ceremony. At the time JS believed that the Masons possessed a very ancient and holy god revealed practices in their rituals going back to the pyramids. The antiquity of these rituals has been shown to be much much later in time. Google "origin of masonic rituals" if you're further interested.
The temple ceremony can only be described as weird at best. Certainly, a divine god speaking to a prophet could have come up with a better ceremony than this, without the need for blatant borrowing from the Masons. I know I could devise something much more uplifting and inspiring and I'm neither god nor a prophet. Many LDS people attending the temple for the first time report leaving very confused and severely weirded out. It's just plain weird.
Nowhere in the Book of Mormon does it mention anything done in LDS temples. No baptism for the dead, endowments, sealings, anointings, or temple marriage. Yet the he Lord Himself, via JS, has stated that the Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ.’ (D&C 20:9, 27:5). Even on the official church website, it states, "In the Book of Mormon we will find the fulness of those doctrines required for our salvation. And they are taught plainly and simply so that even children can learn the ways of salvation and exaltation.”
So how does one reconcile these things not being included in the "fulness" the BoM is said to contain? These things evolved much later in the church and were fueled by masonic rituals. Many points of church doctrine can be shown to be an evolution, in some cases completely contradicting what was said or believed before.
17 - William Law - The accusations of William Law against Joseph Smith were quite damning (and true), as such his business was destroyed and he and his family cast out. Law was a second counselor in the church presidency who soon, privy to what went on within that inner circle, objected to the practices of Joseph Smith and others and was shortly excommunicated. He started a newspaper, The Nauvoo Expositor, which got off one edition before being destroyed by men working under Joseph Smith and likely at his direction. This event would set in motion the jailing of Joseph in Carthage which would end his life. June 27, 1844 A mob stormed into the jail upon which a gunfight ensued wherein Joseph shot and killed two men and wounded another. He and his brother Hyrum both armed were shot and killed in the gunfight. See the following link for more info -
Well, I'll end it there. There are many more examples I could cite but these are the more salient ones that come to mind at this writing. At the request of my still-believing wife, I still attend LDS church services and find many occasions wherein I struggle to keep my mouth shut. Knowing what I do about Joseph Smith I am especially tight-lipped whenever the hymn Praise To The Man is sung.
* An interesting story on Fawn Brodie's Book. My father-in-law, we'll call him "Dave", when a graduate student at BYU pursuing his doctorate in History, went in to his advisor, Hugh Nibley, to seek a subject for his thesis. Years earlier Hugh Nibley had published a tract to counter Fawn's book titled, No, ma'am, that's not history: A brief review of Mrs. Brodie's reluctant vindication of a prophet she seeks to expose. Afterward, Hugh admitted that this published piece was an unscholarly hack job.
This had apparently bothered him for some time, for he advised Dave to focus his thesis on examining the credibility of all the sources cited in Fawn's book. Dave agreed and spent an exhaustive effort in doing so, spending countless hours in research and writing. Upon completion of his thesis, he was very hesitant to publish it and went in again to Hugh for advice on how to proceed. You see the problem was that almost all of the sources checked out, and according to Dave, the few errors found, most of them slight, were normal for a book of its size.
Even though he personally disagreed with Brodie's interpretation and take on the sources used, Dave did not want his name to be positively associated in support of Fawn's book, so much so that he was willing to abandon his completed thesis. To support Fawn's book in any way would have made him a pariah in the church and could have possibly threatened his membership or his chances for getting a job within his intended CES teaching career. As such he sacrificed all his hard work and began another thesis on the Crisis at Kirtland.
I'm guessing Mr. Nibley was very disappointed at the results and complicit in the abandonment and cover-up of the Brodie thesis.
One more thing of note, I have made an effort to only include pictures of Joseph Smith here which are said by historians to most closely depict how he actually appeared, not the many handsome representations of the man, many commissioned by the LDS church. This is yet another lie they continue to perpetuate in their worship of the man. And yes, however offended members of the church will be if you tell them they worship him (and a false image too), the truth is that they do worship and exalt him, for without belief in Joseph Smith you cannot be a believer in Mormonism. No matter how much they contend that they only worship God and Jesus, belief in Joseph Smith is a prerequisite to everything else within their doctrine.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Mind Control
Organizations that use the tactics of mind control are usually started and/or headed by a psychopath, a highly charismatic and revered leader. As well as using mind control techniques within their organization, psychopaths also use them within their personal relationships.
Within this blog the term 'mind control' will represent the body of practices used within a cult, or high control group, to gain conformity and to keep people within, and faithful to the organization, but it can be applied with some adjustment to interpersonal relationships.
The word cult is typically associated with a harmful religion (In my opinion all religions are cults to some degree), but it can be applied just as equally to a business, a social club, a form of government, or as said, an abusive controlling relationship. Some of these human susceptibilities and inclinations based on human frailties are even exploited pervasively, yet more subtly, in advertising.
The human mind due to its social wiring is highly susceptible to cults. We have evolved to seek the belonging and protection of a group and to listen and take directions from that group's leaders. Tribal formation, cohesion, conformity and cooperation were the key to early hominid success and survival. We all yearn to belong, and take much comfort and security in the idea that what we belong to is safer, stronger, and better than everything else. This need for security, to belong and get along with a group, and to extol that group is a powerful force in the human psyche (The team loyalty displayed by sports fans (fanatics) comes to mind). In the ancient world hominids alone on their own died quite rapidly. We are wired to hang out in groups.
Cults usually promise their adherents security, love, belonging, special status, and chosen standing with god, within the group, or against the world. High control groups have special appeal to many people who desire the security of direction and being told how to be in every step and facet of their life. Members believe themselves to be within a chosen group; one of a chosen people. The group extols itself, professing that it seeks lofty goals and higher ideals. Its main goal is that of making things better in the world, awakening people to the truth, being a force for good, and helping other people (especially others within the 'us' of the group). Ultimately its most lofty goal is usually saving the world. Saving the world may even involve ridding the world of opposition groups who are usually vilified (Think radical Islam).
A person under mind control doesn't realize that they're under mind control. Any hint of such is heavily suppressed by cognitive mechanisms. Their very identity is heavily tied to, and embedded within the group. To leave the group would be akin to cutting off a limb, or tearing out their heart. The group has made them everything they are, everything that is good about them. The organization via its mind control tactics has completely sucked them in.
All that said, here then are the top 10 signs you may be part of an organization (or relationship) practicing mind control:
10 - Sanctioned Information. Your organization does not allow scrutiny or fact checking outside organizationally approved materials or sources. Association with people or other groups adverse to or challenging the organization is forbidden. According to the group the main goals and positions of outside sources are lies and deceit. They only seek to hurt you. We seek to protect you.
Intellectual inquiry is highly corralled within "approved" sources and conflated with emotional seeking. Intellectualism, and science is badmouthed. Intellectuals are criticized for thinking too much and getting caught up in pride and critical thinking. The best way to keep a person in is to keep them ignorant, teach them to be willfully so, and to emphasize feeling over thinking.
09 - Submission to Leaders. You are instructed and encouraged to go to your leaders and organizational representatives to answer any and all concerns, or contradictions. This includes historical, doctrinal, or governing questions. Confession to leaders of sins is encouraged, maybe even scheduled. Answers to your doubting usually include that the group is special or chosen in some way and it's your job to realize that, and your failing if you don't. Members of your group are said to be elite and better informed when compared with people outside the group. Group members may be taught that they possess hidden knowledge and will reap special blessings or status via faithfulness and service to the group. You are told to serve the group, and to obey, respect, revere, and follow your leaders unquestioningly.
08 - Happiness Found Only Within. You may be unhappy in your organization but cannot see yourself leaving as an option, ever, for any reason. Your unhappiness when expressed is said to be due to your own failings at living up to the teachings or culture of the organization. You are taught there is no happiness, ever, outside the group, and that your life will crumble to ruins and misery should you choose to leave. The organization is the only way you will ever truly find happiness. You have been taught that serious even eternal consequences will result should you leave or question the doctrine or the organization. You are told how lucky and blessed you are to be in the organization. You are chosen. You are also told to spread your happiness and share positive accounts, both within the group and outside the group, about the benefits of your membership in efforts to promote the group and recruit people into the group. This telling your own story of happiness further indoctrinates (convinces) you that you are happy, the group is wonderful, and your happiness and true joy is due to your membership in the organization.
07 - Dismissal of Contrary Facts. You dismiss documented substantiated facts which may challenge your beliefs or your group because quite frankly they scare you. The truth is hurtful to your embraced delusions. If you do consider the facts and contradictions, you practice mental gymnastics to explain them in a way that makes sense within your organizational views, usually in a rationalized or justified way. These explanations seldom make as much rational sense when compared to the opposing facts which require no mental contortions. These convoluted explanations fail the test of Occum's razor, where the simplest or shortest, least convoluted explanation is usually the correct one.
Again, the truth is hurtful to your delusions. As such you avoid and dismiss it to avoid pain. Dismissal can often include ridicule and shaming. A good dose of mockery, either by you, or of you in your consideration of opposing viewpoints, can shut down critical thinking and make your mind fall right in line, no questions asked.
05 - Performance and Behavior = Worthiness and Status. You must change your behavior in order to become worthy to receive the positive feelings and correct answers to your questions, to be given privileged, maybe even secret information, or to rise in status within the group. This performance may even be measured monetarily. In some cults such as Scientology promotion within the group is purchased.
For worthiness and promotion within the group your behavior must always be in line with faithfulness to the organization and its teachings. If you doubt or question, it is because of your sin or unworthiness, or your poor performance. Heightened commitment to the organization and its teachings is often given as the way to answer your doubts or questions. Service to others is often given as the answer to your discontent, and a way to shut down critical thinking. You hold a title and/or responsibility within the organization. Members of the group are kept busy. This busyness helps to stop questioning by keeping the person connected to a cause, and embedded and identified with the group, and gives the person time little time to think.
Performance of rituals and observances, especially those which restrict behavior, are good at keeping people focused on physical commitment.
04 - The Adversary. You fear "anti" material because you think "the adversary" will deceive you should you give it attention. It is all told to be a cunning scheme of disinformation and lies. You are taught by the organization that "the adversary" is behind any information that is counter to the organization or its claims. You are not to affiliate or sympathize with the enemy. You are certainly not to investigate their claims. The adversary may be another inferior group (business, country, religion), apostates from your group, science (facts), a political party, law enforcement (the government), another race or tribe, The new world order, Satan ... the list is large. This adversarial thinking solidifies the group into an Us verses Them mentality.
03 - Emotions. You think and are taught that emotional experiences are signs for truth, and the better way to "know" truth - if it feels good and makes you happy it is true. Intellectual rational thought that employs critical thinking is discouraged in favor of emotional thought and feeling. The most extolled and reinforced feelings are happiness, peace, and joy. "Happiness is obtained from and within the organization which springs from following faithfully in it". This message is pounded home on a constant basis. There are songs, chants or mantras that are vocalized and expected to be vocalized to show alignment and allegiance to the group. These positive group identifying activities with their positive messages are repeated frequently within a group setting to solidify "truth" and cohesion. Oft repeated phrases are common. "I know this group is true" "So and So is a true leader" "we are all enlisted...happy are we". On the other side of emotions, guilt, shaming, and fear are pervasively employed to win compliance.
02 - Leaving = Sin. You don't think anyone could ever have a legitimate reason for leaving the organization. Those who choose to leave are weak, hiding or ignoring their personal sin and error, or not living in a way that the spirit of truth or the illustrious enlightened group can reach or correct them. Anyone who leaves always does so by their own mistake(s) or fault. They are never thought rational for doing so, but rather maligned to be immoral, ignorant, weak, proud, wicked, or deceived. They are lost to Satan or the adversary/enemy. Their subsequent speaking against the group is proof of this.
01 - Persecution. You are encouraged to think that there is a worldwide conspiracy against your group - persecution comes from mean spirited and jealous "outsiders" who don't understand, or who work for "the adversary". You are taught that people who belong to the organization will always suffer persecution and criticism from outsiders. This opposition is proof that the group is chosen because jealous outsiders are bent on tearing it down. If we weren't God's true organization Satan wouldn't be fighting so hard against us. If we weren't so special other organizations wouldn't be trying so hard to take us down. Promoting persecution, perceived or real, helps coalesce the group by establishing a common enemy - it's us vs them, a mainstay of group psychology.
00 - Bonus. You may be under mind control if you find anything in the previous list familiar, offensive, or threatening.
To quote the words of Jesus, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free [but first it will make you angry] ... he who hath ears to hear [it] let him hear".
Many things which are true are hard to hear by those caught in error. Jesus knew that the truth can be offensive. Much of what he said was against and offensive to the prominent religious and political organizations of his time. He was tried and crucified over that offense. His 'hanging' offense was sedition against Rome, not for proclaiming himself divinity, although they (the Jewish establishment) didn't like that either.
The truth is not always kind, flattering, or reinforcing. These are the truths we most readily deny. The truths we most readily accept are those which are uplifting, flattering, or offer some form of comfort. Ignoring facts which don't feel good is not a balanced approach to truth, and the best way to be caught in error. The best way to find the truth is to be open to being wrong or deceived, and when shown to be so, willfully abandoning those wrong ideas.
Above all else I wish you the truth, even if that truth is painful for awhile. Once on the outside of the error and looking back in you will realize just how much the truth has truly set you free...and how much happier you are without what you gave up.
The first, best, and really only way to help someone out is to be kind, loving, and compassionate. Give them tiny bite sized hints at the clues that something might be amiss, and let them chew on it as they can. Watch for when they are ready for their next bite. They need to pursue the information themselves. Let them ask the questions themselves. If you pursue them coercively the amygdala gets all excited, reasoning gets shut down, and the flight or flee response is in force. People cannot think logically or rationally when they feel threatened.
The information in this post is mostly contained in the books, Releasing the Bonds, and Freedom of Mind, by Steven Hassan. For more detailed information see his website, specifically the BITE model for mind control which lays out how control takes place along the following areas:
Steven Hassan's BITE Model of Cult Mind Control
Also this YouTube video, at the 3:00 minute mark, gives a very good explanation of how the bite model works
How to Avoid Deception
Here is another brief video which describes the tactics used by High Control Groups (cults)
Cult Tactics and Mind Control - B.I.T.E.
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