Saturday, April 12, 2014

Love is the Answer ... In case you're questioning.

Since today is my Birthday I've decided to dedicate it to Earth Day ... and as usual I'm considering deeply the impact that religious ideologies have on the planet.

To my religious friends, I would like to propose a reversal of Pascal's wager.

Deeply consider the idea, if you can, the possibility that there is no God, or at least not a God as you may perceive "Him".  I know this may be asking a lot, it may even be a very offensive proposal, laden with fear and loathing, but try to play along with this little thought experiment as best you can and immerse yourself in the role.  

Once you got past the hurt and pain of realizing that there is likely no Grand Overseer in charge, looking out for you and everything else, what would you do?  How would you live your life?  How would this color how you perceive the activities of your fellow humans?  How would you then view the Earth, and other forms of life?  Maybe he doesn't have the whole world in his hands as the song goes.  Maybe it's in our hands, and ours alone.

Speaking from experience, it has only magnified the awe and reverence I hold for life, all of life, the joy I feel each day just to be alive and capable of perceiving it all (to the wall of my perception).  It has also helped me realize just how precious life is, and how fragile and immensely valuable this rare and unique planet is.  I feel my joy and spirituality and reverence has increased.  I hope that there is something grander at play, I truly do.  Sometimes I sense that there is, yet not in the way we humans are able to perceive or comprehend.  I am an "Atheist who hopes, and Agnostic who prays, and a dreamer who plays", if you will.

If god is there fine, if not, it's looking like game over for most of life on this planet! ... especially so if most of us believe that "God" will take care of it; hence our actions don't matter.  

Which then is the best way to proceed and behave?

Either way, it just makes plain old fashioned sense to create a world of human happiness, joy and peace - isn't this the main message of most religions?  To cultivate an attitude of love, compassion, and preservation of this most excellent state of sentience, on this most unique and beautiful planet seems to me to be the greatest expression of gratitude and love, the greatest expression of the reverence for creation (life and the universe), and the greatest way to love your fellow humans.

Love life, all of life, and doggedly engage to protect and preserve the mother of it all - the Earth - it is precious, and fragile when faced with the multitudes of humans. We are the most resource intensive creatures on this planet - but also the most resourceful.  It is foolish, and out of sync to believe that we can or should dominate it, rather than trying to live in harmony and respect with it.  It is an unwise gamble to think any overseeing force it going to come to our rescue as we keep messing it up.

Sorry if this sounds preachy, but you're likely used to a little preaching.  I 'preach' because this is my "New Religion".  I believe god (if there be one) is very much a part of this Universalistic point of view.

When we become ONE tribe, only then will fighting fade. When we realize the oneness of all consciousness then grand the circle will be complete. It is my profound hope that this is where we are going.  The greatest thing we all hold in common is dependence on this planet for our survival, and hopefully a deep love and reverence for it and all life.

If god be behind it all, so be it and glad for that ... but rather than passively believing that god has our individual and collective backs, it is so much better to engage and behave as if what we do individually and collectively matters the most ... this is love, this is morality, this is pragmatism, this is religion at its finest - actions in accord.  This, most of all, will save us.

If you agree in any degree please visit and engage -