I was reading comments about a recent unintentionally racist fundraiser at a local high school and someone mentioned that we are all created in God's image. It always gives me a chuckle when people say we are created in god's image (yeah, the bible says it too). I don't think most people really stop and consider what that means. If humans are literally created in god's image and likeness, that means God is an ape, a member of or precursor to the family Hominidae, as humans are. God is a Great Sky Simian whom we should all worship and obey if we want to go to heaven after we cease to exist. God is the greatest Grade-A ape of all great apes. That's what humans of the Judeo-Christian bent and some others are saying God is, a souped-up superhuman. Like Mighty Mouse for mice, if mice could image there was a god. So worshiping this humanlike god is just a dressed-up way of worshipping humans, ourselves. Oh, we humans just love humans. We're Great! But all this hoopla is merely rampant hyper self-aggrandizement of the human-animal, us, because, you know … we're built like God, and he's our super chimp daddy.
As for the topic of race, which many love to virtue signal and insult each other over, just remember, we're all black from way back … and we're all insensitive and stupid sometimes too, and many are horribly insecure for all kinds of reasons. No matter what color or culture you are, we are all the same species of ape. Like dogs, we can all interbreed and make more mutants. We're all mutants of god. It says so in the bible, remember. We're like shitty copies of an ideal image, form, or archetype. But the key point here is that we are all the same species, and fighting or feeling insulted because someone isn't humaning right simply causes more division over race. It might make you feel good - self-righteousness with its elevating indignation always does - You are Justified! Yeah, assert yourself! … but as outcomes go, it's just stupid and counterproductive. An argument rarely changes anyone's mind against the point they are trying to argue. And it's stupid because … We are all the same species! And we're allowed to be different in all of the ways humanly possible. Being one or united doesn't mean we have to think and act and be just like each other (that's the stuff of cults). It means we have mutual respect, different strengths and abilities, and are kind to other people's opinions, since people seem to get so attached to them as an identity, maybe just like your skin color, eh?
Jesus said, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." He was also fond of pulling his favorite disciple aside (favorite depending on who was telling the story), to tell them the secret hidden truth saved for only those ready to hear it. I imagine, when he got them somewhere alone, their face full of excitement and eager intrigue, he leaned in and whispered secretly, "Pssst! The truth is that people are incorrigible and no one wants to listen to anything that counters anything they already think or believe. You can't really save or change anyone, and neither can I. It has to begin from within. I get no respect among my own. As most people see me, I'm just the brown bastard child my stepdad Joseph claimed so my mom wouldn't be put to death. I'm not the son of God any more than you are. I just hinted at that to be important, so people would listen and give some weight to my words. People don't listen... unless they're desperate or beaten to the bottom of life's barrel, like you were when you began following me around. So, yeah, sorry, I know it's probably a bummer for you right now, but I'm not the messiah. I'm just a rabble-rouser who likes to roam around and talk smack against the powers that be. The point is, you have to save yourself, man. You can't save others and you can't save Jerusalem. Oh, come on! don't cry. The kingdom of heaven is within you, not in me, not in others, nor anything external. Now dry up, and go! be free! I release you!
Even if Jesus was a pious fraud and a fibber and is now dead as a doornail, and even if God is not an ape (and those bastards who wrote it in the bible lied to make us feel better about being his kids), or even if God doesn't exist at all in any way shape or form, a person should not be held in low (or high) regard simply because of the meat-wagon they're born with, nor the culture they were born into. No one chooses that stuff … and guess what? We're all allowed to be different and express all the variation possible by the human species... even if we're fuckin nuts! It's wonderful!
Just imagine if we categorized and separated ourselves off by what kind of nose you had, instead of skin color. And people naturally got along and hung out with people of the same noses. Seems ridiculous, eh? It's like the blue shirt red shirt psych studies. Groups, classifications, and categories matter very little in reality though, because in every single one there is a human, living a life unique to who\where\how\why and what they are.
Maybe we should all try to treat people as individuals, and look at them from the inside out … all the stuff on the outside is just window dressing, most of it unearned. Just like noses, I've met and interacted with both wonderful and not-so-wonderful people of every skin color in my life. Race or ethnicity never seemed to matter in this regard, neither did their nose. It's about the individual, outside any group, clan or tribal classifications. And if they're being a jerk, or a just jerk in general, remember, it's not because of the color of their skin, but something troubling within, maybe their crooked nose, or the color of their skin. Which has always been an argument so thin.
The greatest troubles and frictions of humankind arise from vanity. Feeling great about ourselves, overconfident and better than others in general, as well as delusions of grandeur, which can be very thrilling, in a very "It's great being me!" kind of way. It's even made a lot of feckless ding-dongs think they could be a great leader, instead of the true sociopaths that they were. But such vanity is easily dispelled by realizing three things: 1. You're just one of the billions of assorted apes "made" over the last 200,000 years in the image of a god, who likely does not exist (You're not that special) 2. Our current way of living on this planet is highly unsustainable and soon, on the human timescale, most, if not all of us will be dead, just like Jesus (Nothing really matters, not even Jesus apparently, unless you're using his life as an excuse to buy the things you want for yourself and others, most of it soon to the landfill), and 3. You are simply a victim of your own value judgments both for what is good and what is bad, and some of these play upon your horrible existential insecurities to make you believe in nonsense - like anything about you was really of your own doing, or that of a simian sky God.
Ultimately, you're not responsible for anyone's actions or thoughts but your own. You don't need to redeem or save other people … Ha! That's a joke. But it's nice to help out sometimes … and ultimately no one is going to redeem or save you (not that they haven't tried … Oh, you poor sweet mother). Remember Jesus' hidden truth, no one likes being told how things are, or who they are, from anyone but themselves, especially if they have a superiority chip on their shoulder, which a lot of people do these days. People only listen if they think the other person is more important or special. That's why Jesus had to lie, or people lied for him when telling their 4th and 5th hand stories (Human apes excel at fabricating and making shit up to suit their worldview (Yeah, I own it). So much so, I think it should have been God's 1st commandment for his mutant children, rather than the blatant self-promotion that's there now, if there really was a god handing them down that is, and not some human seeking to exact power via proxy from the population). Fact is, you are powerless to change much beyond your own zone and how you see and approach the world. You can't really change other people to fit your insecurities, and that's not your job anyway. It's all on you bucko! You have to save yourself. You have to pay for your own ticket to ride, and continue paying it until you're dead. No one else can, and frankly, no one else wants to. They've all got enough problems of their own to handle. And taking care of yourself is what we call being a grown up. Don't put your problems on others and try your best not to be a jerk - whatever color you call yourself.
So now you know the truth … May it set you free, astonishingly.
Merry Krampus!