Monday, September 9, 2013

Square Pegs - Round Holes

Vitruvian Man

The phrase "Square peg in a round hole" is an old idiomatic expression which describes generally a forced fit of disparate elements, and specifically the unusual individualist who can not fit into a niche of his or her society.

Recently, like Vitruvian Man, I stood up straight, looked around, waved my arms and spread my legs, and in my curiosity I chose to re-attend the LDS temple by mending my form into that of Christ Crucified (interestingly enough the form of the square pervasive in the LDS temple ceremony).   I had heard much positive talk about the changes made since I last attended, and talk on the profundity of the images and acting within the most recent version of the movie shown therein.  So naturally my curiosity was piqued. AND the last time I went (1998), I was of an entirely different mind pertaining to my knowledge of the temple ceremony, the church, and it's history (naive).    So I got my temple recommend, (surprising as this may be, I can answer all the interview questions with integrity, some with clauses and addenda - but I was open and honest during my interviews).  I bought me some garments, and with a good friend I went, I saw, I experienced the 3:00 PM endowment session at the Bountiful Temple, Sat, Aug 31, 2013.

Curiosity quelled, I now considered what just happened, and chewed on it while sharing a meal in the Temple cafeteria with that same friend .  In all my chewing I found myself hitting a brick wall, much like I discovered a small bone in my chicken pot pie ...  An inedible bit that cannot be consumed or digested.  A bit that is best spit out, discretely. You see, I don't believe in Adam and Eve; I know and accept evolution to be the correct account of how life and we came to be. 

The entire ceremony is so centered on the creation story in Genesis, wherein Adam and Eve are the central characters. So needless to say my mind has been chewing on this controversy (dissonance) trying very hard to resolve it.  I can't resolve it, not without tossing out the story as purely mythical and metaphorical, which sadly I don't think works within the LDS church (or most christian religions).  My observations say its absolutism cannot allow that much latitude with one of their favorite stories.  The temple ceremony contained an inescapable insistence on this idea as something very literal.

I spoke briefly about it with my father-in-law, and he recommended that I consult the words and thoughts of Henry Eyring (1901-1981) on the topic.  Eyring was an LDS scientist who accepted evolution and reconciled it for himself within his religious beliefs and his scientific knowledge.   So I did.  Wanna know my summation?  It's astounding to what lengths seemingly intelligent people are willing to go to in order to hang on to an idea.  Once abandoned things fit so much easier, without so much need for explanation and contortion.  

Thinking about all this temple stuff, my mind got stuck on the garments I was now told to wear as a worthy recommend holder and the necessity/reason of my wearing them.  The whole "protection" stuff is a load of beans (at least in my mind).  I don't feel the need to wear special underwear for god to love and protect me more.  Did Jesus wear temple garments under his clothing?  Are these special undergarments mentioned specifically anywhere in the scriptures?  No.  In the scriptures, even LDS scriptures, every occurrence of garment or garments can safely and rightly be interpreted as an old name for clothes/clothing.  Like most people, I have no problem wearing clothes as appropriate.   So garments, check!  I have no need for special underwear in this department, especially underwear so goofy.

If you are LDS and struggle to understand me and my position, I still believe in god, but understand this; I am no longer a sheep.  If I must be an animal to god, I'd rather be god's monkey.  But I don't know if that would be very useful to god... Maybe entertaining, but possibly more trouble than god is willing to bear.  If I must be a useful animal, I'm more like a horse, maybe even a Crazy Horse; the monkey made to be a horse.  I'm simply applying my horse/monkey sense to what I am asked to think and do, not merely following, being pushed and prodded, but following being led and guided.  Ask, "What animal is of more value to the shepherd?"  As such I submit to god as his horse, and let him ride and lead me as he may.  If he wants me to herd sheep, I'll do that.  If he needs my conveyance in another use, I will bear his weight and learn from his commands, and hopefully help him in his labors. ...yadda yadda ya.  Back on reality track.  

So ditching the protection bit, I pondered on the reminder part of the reason for wearing garments.  I'm cool with that.  I'm a ponderous ponderer.  I love reminiscences and reminders.  I love metaphors and symbols.  So I thought deeply on what those symbols were communicating.  I considered each of the four symbols on the garment, two being lines and two being squares (right angles). The symbol of the square (and compass) is made up of two lines placed together at a right angle.  

Of the two squares, one is positioned in the mark of the compass, pointing down, which I always find odd.  When you actually use a compass you utilize it with the apex pointing up.   Depicting it as used, I would think,  would point the mind upward to higher planes and ultimately perfection and god.  I cannot at this point find any reason why the symbol for the compass should have its apex pointing down, unless the objective of the artisan using it would be to draw circles and arcs in the space above his head.  Maybe there's something to that? However, contrary to the garment, in the Masonic depiction the compass apex points up and it is shown as used.  It is also depicted at an angle around 60° (not 90).

The other "right angle" symbol, the symbol of the square, sits appropriately over your right nipple.  Squares are right handed (or left brain) in that they represent exactness, conformity, integrity, being true - right angles abound in squares.  They depict the rules, laws, and logic of man. This is the masonic meaning of the square.  Masons are builders. Men are builders.  We like building square things and straight things.  It's much easier to do so.  As such a true 90 square becomes important for a nice square/plumb symmetrical structure - hence a cornerstone, squared and true at every corner/edge.  The better you are as a workman builder, and the more exact and true your tools, the better you will be at making things square and true.  Exactness is square.   Square is very ruled and set, much like the letter of the law.  Squares and rules, rules and rulers.  The law is very square.  All the marks on the garment are squares or lines. 

However, as I've mentioned, the compass, although square in appearance, is used for drawing arcs and circles.  I'll touch on that now.

The first thing to note when moving on to circles is that squares and circles are oppositional shapes.    Men are good at straight lines and making squares, squares are very 1+1=2 ... but we're not so good with curves and circles ... now you're getting into calculus and higher math with motion and rates and cycles.  Rolling, rotations, revolutions, spins, etc.   Squares and lines are static, circles and arcs are dynamic.

When you consider the natural world you will note that it makes very few right angles or straight lines (mostly in geology with the form of some rocks, or microscopically with crystalline structures in rocks or crystals, or microscopically in some lifeforms = plant cells are squarish).  

Most of nature's outward appearances are curved and rounded to some degree.  Nature is very good at making circles - just look at the night sky and see all the billions of circles shining out through time.  Now think that most of these are moving in circles around a circular galaxy, and likely have stuff moving around them in circles (or ellipses).  
Most fruit and produce is circular or curved in nature.  Our blood cells (among others) are circular, toroidal.  Our heads are round when viewed from the top...the eyeballs, retinas, pupils, the braincase - Our brains! A big round sphere (cortex) on top of another sphere (limbic system) on top of another sphere (cerebellum).  A trinity of braininess exists in our heads - each sphere being split into hemispheres. 

Being somewhat a builder myself, I can tell you that men have a very hard time building round things and working with curves.   Curves are the spirit of the law.  They are a higher law, a higher order of math and expression.  They are more organic and creative. They are more artful, more flowing.  They ebb and flow and cycle.  Curves are the most pleasing to the eye, the mind, and the body (this is why women are more attractive than men and horses, cows).    God is a circle within circles on a circuitous spiraling path that keeps coming back around on itself in the dance of infinity. 

Christ in my mind in his perfected state is a circle.  Men, in my mind, are squares.  Women, in my mind are more circular, but their humanity is still square.  Maybe they are squares with more rounded corners like plants, or maybe they are squares with more sides - like an octagon, or higher.

Back to the garment, the symbol of the compass is over your left nipple. The left side of the body due to inversion is controlled via the right brain.  This right brain is your spiritual side and the spirit of the law.  Right brained thinking is very round, organic, imaginative and divergent. If you follow the circumference of a circle it diverges from a straight line at every increment. The compass is an instrument which indicates and achieves roundness and arcs.   Circles are what Christ offers man to become whole - circles - eternity - God.

When Christ was here on Earth he said, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill."  Matt 5:21

Moses and his law was square and exact = Justice.  Christ and his law are round and forgiving = Mercy.  He claims he came to fulfill the law of Moses.  Christ was possibly teaching us that to fulfill the law you must make yourself a round peg that fits within the square hole of the law of Moses.  Maybe this is how you achieve your maximum roundness as a human, and still fulfill the law of Moses = Justice.  

But the idiom is expressed as "square pegs in round holes". I submit that we are all square pegs being human, and that Christ (God) in perfection is round.  As such, we are all square pegs struggling to fit into a round hole, no longer needing to be placed and fit squarely into Moses' square.

I think that in actuality, and conversely, the roundness of Christ is bigger than the squareness of man (Law of Moses). As such our square pegs fit neatly inside his round circumference.  As I said earlier, Christ as a perfected being is round, a roundness that encompasses the square.  I wonder that, as a human, if our perfected state is to be a true square peg, or is it to let Christ perfect us into losing our edges and becoming round.  Man, humans, and mankind are certainly square images to my mind.  

Pegs & Holes

The only way to fit a square peg into a round hole without damage to the peg is to make the sides of the square SMALLER than the diameter of the circle, the corners fitting within the circumference of the circle.  To do this the diagonal of the square must be equal to or less than the diameter of the circle.   The square you make will contain much less area than the circle in which it fits.  

The only way to fit a round peg in a square hole is to make the diameter EQUAL to, or less than, the sides of the square.  So to fit my roundness into the law I must become smaller than my square associates who fit and fill the corners.  Yet, if Christ did fulfill the law, I can expand and fit his round shape exactly.

I find it interesting that there are no circular symbols on the garment, and only via inference at considering one of the squares to be an upside down compass.  Circles can only be found in the negative spaces that your body parts go through.  Your body, your physical existence, makes the circles.

Like I mentioned, I personally feel no need to wear the garment, as I am already so keyed in to symbolisms, reminders, and my relationship to god.  I do not need their protection nor their reminder.  In all this discussion I see myself ultimately as a round peg being put into a round hole, both of the same size.  Becoming one with God and Christ.  

On earth now, I feel myself being that same round peg being forced into a smaller square hole (Specifically, some of the teachings of the LDS church, but generally any teaching of religious man).  The garments are very square and linear (very law of Moses). The temple ceremony, as it is now, is square - very square ... and a bit weird, and way too Masonic.  I'm certain that God could make a way better temple experience.  

One item that I have not touched upon in the temple experience is that of the redemption of the dead.  In LDS doctrine their ordinances are very important (Baptism, confirmation of the Holy Ghost, Temple ordinances and endowment).  They must be performed on this earth by the LDS priesthood, the only legitimate priesthood, thus the only legitimate ordinances.   Other blessings and baptisms do not count.   If a person dies without receiving these they are not able to be admitted into higher states of heaven, to put it simply.

I think this idea is a mistaken one.  I do not think that the LDS church needs to save the entire world of the dead via performing ordinances in secret rooms dressed like clownish bakers.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I do not think that ordinances matter one speck to God.  If one has a pure heart and a contrite spirit, with an eye single to God's glory the rest (body and mind) will follow.   A seeker will find.  Christ came into the world to fulfill - to fill full.   The law of Moses was done away - encircled by his greater good, by his perFecTionn.  The sacrifices, offerings, and ordinances of Moses were superseded - they lead men performing them to become supercilious.  All these things are superable because Christ IS Superman.   All is redeemed through him, and him alone - ordinances can't and won't save you ... but they can put your mind on the path, if that is what you need.

It is my strong belief that Jesus never sought to establish a religion but his followers certainly did.  The church god has provided is the world, and our worship in it is live the core values expressed in every philosophy and religion. Be kind, do good, be honest and integrious.  Essentially, treat others as you wish to be treated.  Everyone instinctively knows this rule.  This is how we will be judged.  It is an even and fair playing field.  I hate that most religions profess that salvation comes only in and through their doors - what a crock! ...but it certainly puts bums in seats.

At this stage of my existence I picture myself as Vitruvian Man, with my feet square on the ground and my arms raised in praise to god - all points encompassed in the circle.   I no longer want to stick my  arms out straight in the form of the cross, making a square in all angles and be crucified.  I've had enough of crucifixion.   I've had enough of suffering, both that inflicted on me and by me going along with it. I am ready as a man, standing on this ground we call Earth, to raise my arms from the square, higher towards the heavens into the circle and in so doing take the form of praising God and seeking his perfection.  I am ready to be a round peg which fits perfectly in a round hole.    

The form of being open, exposed, and receptive to everything around me...realizing in my connected and open state that everything around me is an expression of God.

It is my goal to find him and emulate him in all I think and do.  It is my goal to ascend, to be artful, to be circular (and encompass the square).  To use all my attributes as needed and appropriate.    To achieve a martial art movement of mind, and soul (and body).  I seek a ninja soul.  A zen state mind, and a martial art body.  A state of power and flow, and connectedness.

In turn I feel it is God's wish for me to enjoy life, to be happy, to find true joy, and to let all that is me shine unhindered.  Seeking all this with joy and playfulness is how I can be his monkey and to help other people find their joy and their divinity, especially my family and friends, and most especially my children. 

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it made the monkey stronger. 

So all you apes out there listen to God's monkey as I help you to find God and to raise your arms from your sacrificial square of suffering and up, back to his circle of joy and praise.  Seek and ye shall find...and in all your seeking be kind.

Amen & Amend

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