Tuesday, February 12, 2019


I truly believe that Life is Eternal... not my life, but life as a thing that happens and continues in the universe.  I guess as much as the universe is an eternal thing, I think that life, as is obvious from our very own existence, is part and parcel of the material thing we call a universe or reality.

If you think of it, you have a bloodline, and existence that goes back through the tree of life.  Every one of your ancestors survived long enough to procreate, all the way back through humans, hominids, mammals, dinosaurs, etc, even back to the first simple forms of life.  You come from a long line of life... and this is your moment, in this small slice of time to continue on in the chain of life, life that is attendant to the material world... and maybe there are forms of consciousness, that we don't associate with life, but who, however, are very much alive.

I have a friend who believes that if something is not eternal, than it is not real.  I however think that there is nothing eternal, and all existence happens in an ever changing round of time and circumstances.  Our time bound existences, that disappear with us, yet always pass on life to the next generation - THAT is real.  Change is eternal.  And what is imaginary is to think that anything lasts forever....without changing in some way or another.

Happy Universe!

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