Why the name One To Many? Years ago on a forum, I chose this moniker as my screen name because I was taken with the double meaning. My actual screen name is 1-2-Many. When spoken, or when reading it in its numeric form, 1-2-Many (which I also enjoy because it denotes counting with a shorthand jump to infinity), most people envision a situation of excess...which is a tendency I come by honestly being bipolar. So that interpretation fits well with me, although that is not the intended meaning.
In reality, and in spelling, One To Many is meant to denote growth and expansion, specifically the biological growth rate contained in the simple Fibonacci sequence. At the time of choosing this name, I was fascinated by biology and how organisms multiply and expand, how life in its growth of complexity and spectrum of sentience is misanthropic (in opposition to entropy). The universe, although it is steadily losing energy is converting that energy to order, where simple things, hydrogen atoms, became more complex things, and eventually life, and us. It is organizational....and subsequently, I became interested in mathematical growth equations and how the phenomena of life can be expressed mathematically. (I wish I were more mathematically gifted, as this exploration soon reached a mental roadblock... I'm sure there is so much more within mathematics to be explored along these lines), It also denotes a common coding structure in higher-level computing languages (Java, Django, Synthedit ...).
One To Many denotes life, dissemination, expansion. Ultimately it denotes the big bang which science suspects arose from a singularity, expanding into countless galaxies. It denotes god as a concept of a higher intelligence, being the one from which came the many. It denotes me as being one insignificant person attempting to approach and address the many. It denotes each of us and how we sit within the web of our connections to others, both socially and genealogically/genetically. Each of us is one to hopefully many, and not too many, but just enough people to feel loved and important and manage meaningful and loving relations according to whatever your Dunbar's Number is, even if only a few cherished people. I enjoy the layers within the name, as I do the layers within words, within people, within life, within all existence. Hooray for layers! And thank god for Chickens!
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